Monday, January 19, 2009

Next Sitski almost done.

So here we go just finishing up another sitski and the forcast is new snow! My new friend Rebecca is planning a trip up from Phoenix in the next couple weeks for her maiden nordic voyage.
This latest version of the sitski is super simple; Lots of really cool bends and few miters. The plan is to hit the nordic center this weekend with friends. I should have the soft goods together very soon. Pics to follow!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nordic Sitski in production

Hey all, Doug Hall here. I am fabricating the Nordic Sitski here in
Flagstaff, Arizona. If you're looking for the dude Steve Garro said is building a nordic sitski, I am that guy.

I live the phliosophy of human-powered outdoor sports. With Steve Garro as my consultant (T11, 12) I build adaptive Cross Country Skis. These will be entirely custom orders and are designed for the disabled community of cross country or nordic skiiers. Read my profile if you want more information about my background with metalcraft.... right here, I want to talk about these skiis I am building. The prototype ski (below) is super strong , all seamless aircraft 4130 steel, some down to .028" thickness.

If you are at all interested in ordering an adaptive sitski contact me at Hurry, I currently am working on 3 so you would have approximately a 4 week wait on an order at this point in time.